Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sara Happ Lip Slip at Beauty Cafe

Sara Happ Lip Slip

Mmmmmm good, that's what your lips will be saying when you treat them to Lip Slip!
Lip Slip is the latest yummy from Sara Happ.

Infused with Sweet Almond, Jojoba & Macadamia nut oils,
Lip Slip moisturizes and nourishes your lips and well... it tastes so yummy too :)

Use Lip Slip after exfoliating with your favorite Lip Scrub from Sara Happ, or just whenever...
feel your lips become totally hydrated and ready for that smooch!

Lip Slip, $24.00

oooh and don't forget to pick up a jar of your favorite Lip Scrub too!! Available in: Almond Creme, Brown Sugar, Cocoa Bean and Peppermint!!